The Race or FlashPoint program cannot communicate with the NewGenius tool.

Lack of communication between the connected USB device and the software.
Verify these steps:
- NewGenius tool properly recognized by the PC in the device manager list, if NOT please unplug NewGenius tool, download the last available Dimsport driver setup ( and run it. After the driversetup connect the NewGenius tool to PC via USB and wait for the device recognition by the PC.
- NewGenius tool must be set in the main HOME menu, the first screen with the 4 icons WORK / TOOLS / INFO / STAND BY.
- If the error is still present try to change the USB port or the USB cable and try again.
The Race or FlashPoint program cannot communicate with the NewGenius tool.
Lack of communication between the connected USB device and the software.
Verify these steps:
- NewGenius tool properly recognized by the PC in the device manager list, if NOT please unplug NewGenius tool, download the last available Dimsport driver setup ( and run it. After the driversetup connect the NewGenius tool to PC via USB and wait for the device recognition by the PC.
- NewGenius tool must be set in the main HOME menu, the first screen with the 4 icons WORK / TOOLS / INFO / STAND BY.
- If the error is still present try to change the USB port or the USB cable and try again.